Step 1

Drag and drop a file into the tesseract to compress it. Files you can compress are most png, jpeg, pdf, and gif.

Step 2

Once the tesseract turns green you are ready to click it to begin downloading your compressed file. If the tesseract turns red then you must have uploaded an invalid or corrupt file. See this to trouble shoot.

Step 3

Save or open the compressed file.

Tesseract API
Tesseract offers a simple to use REST api to compress your media files. Click the postman icon to get started making requests. Click here to set up your free trial. The api allows for advanced features for tweaking compression settings.
Us vs. Them
Our compression not only offers full control over how much you want to compress your files, but we ensure that details are preserved. Compare the below samples to see just how much detail is lost with other compression services.